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The Butterfly poet

Love, friendship, spirituality and connection. Selma Mann’s poetry is an inspiring poetic journey through the gifts and perils of aging with grace and laughter. Some poems  are serious, some funny, often finding the extraordinary in the ordinary. 

By Selma Mann
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"Selma Mann is a brilliant poet. She has captured emotions of sadness, loss, love, survival, and strength in her first book of poetry. Selma is an inspiration to all women who have loved, lost, and battled cancer. I love her approach to poetry, and her approach to life."

"This is a book about love, grief, joy, and healing. It is beautifully and sensitively written -- with a very talented muse helping out. It will make a wonderful gift for certain special people in my life, particularly those who are struggling with some of the same issues Selma has dealt with."

